
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kicking the Muse into Submission

The other day, we found out that David Tennant had wrapped for the final time on Doctor Who. This opened up a torrent of emotion and inspiration within me, and I decided to make a video. I have one planned once the final episodes aired, so this is a mini-tribute, if you will.

I got this idea from the end of the Casanova mini-series, starring David Tennant, when Edith tells him (the older Casanova, played by the legend that is Peter O'Toole) that the person he loved most was his younger self (played by Tennant): "That man. That stupid, daft man and all his adventures." The line really made me think of Ten. The video here is supposed to be mostly Ten's happy, quirky moments, with a tinge of sad endings.

And yes, I know I missed clips from Runaway Bride and Voyage of the Damned. I completely forgot to add them to my list.

Still, here it is. Nothing fancy, just a simple video to say thank you to David Tennant.

The song is the theme to Forrest Gump.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Planet of the Dead (aka: Stormy's getting off her ass and finally writing a review)

I have been a complete lazy git lately. Well, that and I have had zero inspiration to write, or vid, or...pretty much anything creative. I think I probably overdid myself. There was a point there where I was working on the fanfic every night and when I wasn't writing, I was playing around in Sony Vegas trying to get another vid going.

So yeah, complete creative overload ends in a big popping noise, then a fizz, and then smoke comes out of my ears.

Anyway, Planet of the Dead. That's what I logged in to write about. There will be spoilers, of course. This is a review after all.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just a random, completely unrelated comment...

I have joined Twitter. God help me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fan Commentaries

This is more of a request than anything, but if I start ranting, bear with me.

I'm looking to find fan-made audio commentaries for New Who. Specifically, I'm looking for people who've done fan commentaries of *all* the episodes, not just a handful here or there. I'm also looking for fan commentaries from people who don't spend 90% of the episode moaning about how bad the episode is. I'd like to hear some witty commentary that actually sounds like these fans are actually enjoying themselves, because really...I've tried a few and it's hard to try to watch a scene I enjoy while listening to people rant and rave about how completely crappy the scene is. It drives me nuts, because I spend most of the time just yelling, "Okay, I get it! You think New Who is crap! Now shut up, turn the video off and go put in Caves of Androzani or something!" It's also grating when they talk like they have no clue of the subtleties of what's going on, when if they'd just pay attention, rather than complaining, they might actually get it.

I don't know, I think I may have been spoiled by the commentaries that are on the Red Dwarf DVDs. I got so used to listening to the actors sitting around together, having a good time and if they did have criticisms, they were made in such a way that sounded more teasing and goofy than just pure nastiness.

Or maybe I just have to invite some friends over and make my own. I don't know.

Monday, February 9, 2009

We've Become Spoiled

One thing I love about having a blog is that I can turn the hose on my fellow raging fans now and then and spray them down without getting bitten in return. Sure, very few people actually read it, but at least it makes me feel better when I rant about the amazing boneheadedness of my fellow Who fans. I'd say that we, as a group, are probably the worst when it comes to shooting ourselves in the foot, but then that would exclude my fellow MMORPG players out there. And if you don't believe they're worse, pull the plug on their game's server for...30 minutes. Watch them go nuts and start calling for heads to roll. We Who fans can't even hold a candle to that level of insanity.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Good Thing to Remember

Littleradge is a guy who has a vlog on YouTube, who also happens to look a crapton like David Tennant. Amusingly enough, he's also Scottish.

Anyway, he has an important message that all of you should hear, and has asked that it be spread around the internet so more people know about this.

This goes for ALL celebrities, not just David. If someone approaches you online and introduces themselves as some celebrity or other, DO NOT get suckered in. 99.99999% of the time, it's NOT them. Especially if they offer to have you meet them somewhere. It's not them. It's very, very likely to be a sicko.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Eleventh Doctor

I wish I had a TARDIS of my own, to go back to the time when Peter Davison was announced as the man to replace Tom Baker as the Doctor. I was only four at the time, so I don't remember the reactions myself, but I can almost guarantee that the wailing and moaning we're seeing from some people right now about Matt Smith taking over from David Tennant is almost a mirror image of the cries that came from people when they found out Peter Davison was taking over. Back then, he was the youngest actor to play the role at a mere 30 years old. And I bet even back then they were screaming that he was too young.