
Monday, February 9, 2009

We've Become Spoiled

One thing I love about having a blog is that I can turn the hose on my fellow raging fans now and then and spray them down without getting bitten in return. Sure, very few people actually read it, but at least it makes me feel better when I rant about the amazing boneheadedness of my fellow Who fans. I'd say that we, as a group, are probably the worst when it comes to shooting ourselves in the foot, but then that would exclude my fellow MMORPG players out there. And if you don't believe they're worse, pull the plug on their game's server for...30 minutes. Watch them go nuts and start calling for heads to roll. We Who fans can't even hold a candle to that level of insanity.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Good Thing to Remember

Littleradge is a guy who has a vlog on YouTube, who also happens to look a crapton like David Tennant. Amusingly enough, he's also Scottish.

Anyway, he has an important message that all of you should hear, and has asked that it be spread around the internet so more people know about this.

This goes for ALL celebrities, not just David. If someone approaches you online and introduces themselves as some celebrity or other, DO NOT get suckered in. 99.99999% of the time, it's NOT them. Especially if they offer to have you meet them somewhere. It's not them. It's very, very likely to be a sicko.