My apologies. It's been way too long since I rambled here. I guess I have spent way too much of my energy for my ramblings on Gallifrey Base, rather than here! I mean good grief, David was still the Doctor when I was last blogging. Shame on me.
Don't take this as an indictment against Matt. I liked him as an actor well before he was the Doctor, and I still like him and his Doctor now. Series 5 wasn't my favorite of the New Who series, but it wasn't my least favorite either. It just really felt like Moffat and Co. were finding their feet, and some of the old RTD visceralness (Viscerality? I don't know. What a fine writer I am, eh?) was missing. It was all very...clever. That is, with the exception of Vincent and the Doctor, which did a wonderful job of dragging the viewer through the gauntlet of emotions.