
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Time for a Nice Big Gloat

Okay, if you hate spoilers, run now.

There, now that I've gotten that out of the way, it's time for me to indulge in a nice, big, TARDIS-interior-sized gloat.

I've said, over and over again, that it just makes absolutely NO flippin' sense for Harriet Jones to have teamed up with the Daleks. Does anyone listen to little ol' StormWolf? Nooo... they keep going on about Harriet Jones being the red Dalek as if it's an accepted fact.

Well, if this article in TV & Satellite Week, which was provided by the wonderful BlogtorWho, is correct, and I assume they are considering they seem to have interviewed RTD himself, Harriet Jones is among the people that the Doctor and Donna "team up with".

You can see it here in glorious giganto-vision. Right there, top paragraph of the middle column, it says:

"The Time Lord and Donna team up with former assistants Rose, Martha and Sarah Jane, Torchwood's Captain Jack, Gwen and Ianto, ex-Prime Minister Harriet Jones, and Martha's officious UNIT boss General Sanchez."

So yeah, as we Americans like to say...BOOYAH!

And now, I shall steal Mickey's "I told ya so" dance and dance off into the...*looks out the window* um...sunrise. (it being 5 am and all...why the hell am I up still?)