
Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Eleventh Doctor

I wish I had a TARDIS of my own, to go back to the time when Peter Davison was announced as the man to replace Tom Baker as the Doctor. I was only four at the time, so I don't remember the reactions myself, but I can almost guarantee that the wailing and moaning we're seeing from some people right now about Matt Smith taking over from David Tennant is almost a mirror image of the cries that came from people when they found out Peter Davison was taking over. Back then, he was the youngest actor to play the role at a mere 30 years old. And I bet even back then they were screaming that he was too young.

I think it's a common thing among Doctor Who fans. They fall in love with a Doctor, and are determined to hate whoever replaces their beloved Doctor. Not even David Tennant was immune from that. Plenty of people thought that he couldn't fill Chris Eccleston's shoes. And just look -- he became someone lauded as one of the best Doctors ever.

And yes, he's not a very well-known actor. So what? Relatively speaking, neither was David Tennant when he first started. I know I had no clue who he was until a couple episodes into series 2. Sure, he had been in a few more things than Matt Smith has, but they've both got superb theater credits as long as your arm.

What surprises and disappoints me are the people slagging Matt Smith off over his appearance. Excuse me, but what business do we sci-fi nerds have in making fun of anyone's looks? Most of us aren't supermodels either. In fact, I've been to conventions (not specifically Doctor Who conventions, but close enough) and I can guarantee you people that you aren't exactly Adonis either. Though...I think he's pretty fetching, actually. Interesting bone structure in his face, but he has a charmingly crooked smile.

So, in short, we as Doctor Who fans should have learned our collective lesson years ago. Do not judge a Doctor until you see him on-screen a couple times. Trust in Steven Moffat. He hasn't led us astray yet, and if The Moff thinks this guy is absolutely perfect for the role, then we should cut him some slack.

David will always be the Doctor that I consider as "my Doctor", but still...bring on 2010. I'm excited to see what this kid can do with the role.


Combom said...

good idea, we could get rid of colin baker too, replacing him with mcgann :)

StormWolf said...

Good idea! I like Colin Baker on a personal level, but I did *not* like his Doctor. He was such an ass.