
Monday, December 15, 2008

Thoughts On The Newest Xmas Trailer

Combom was kind enough to post a YouTube link to the latest Xmas trailer for us poor pathetic people not in the UK.

The new little snippets raise some interesting new questions.

  • Why is the Doctor wearing his stethoscope? I think the clear (or at least, clear to me) reason is because he's checking David Morrissey's Doctor for two hearts, which would prove whether DM's Doctor is a Time Lord or not.
  • What exactly will the two Doctors be "finding out" together? From the tone of his voice, it obviously has nothing to do with what Rosita asks right before, which is, "What do the Cybermen want?" Having watched David Tennant enough the last few years to sort of get a feel of the emotion he is trying to portray with a certain tone of voice, that tone certainly didn't feel like his "We're going to beat the bad guys" sort of voice. It was much softer, much more...personal and gentle I guess would be a good way of saying it. I think it must have something to do with David Morrissey's Doctor.
  • Who in the world is Ten carrying across on that rope? This is a small detail, but it's got me baffled. It looks too small to be David Morrissey, but too big to be that kid, and doesn't look to have a skirt, so I don't think it's Rosita. Hmm...
We'll just have to find out on Christmas Day. Ten days left! Woohoo!