
Friday, June 13, 2008

Lets start this off with a rant...

Normally I ignore the nasty comments from fans of the old series who absolutely hate the new series with a passion. However, this is my blog and I'm going to vent my spleen on the subject right here, right now.

If, gentle reader, you are one of those people who hates the New Who with a passion because it's not the Classic Who, and has had the bad taste to spend your online time trashing every detail of New Who, let me just give you a little tip to lower your blood pressure:
  1. Step away from the computer
  2. Pull out your Classic Who video tapes
  3. Watch Classic Who, and forget New Who even exists
No, really, it gets tiring to watch someone complain about something they can easily just change the channel on, or just plain turn off altogether. Why people choose to go to websites and blogs about Doctor Who and specifically go to sections for the new series to bitch and moan, when there are perfectly good places to just discuss Classic Who, is beyond me. The only thing I can think of to explain it is that they're not really against New Who at all. They just like being trolls.

It's simply not fair to those of us who like New Who to have to wade through post after post of constant complaints and insults towards something we enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, don't participate in discussions about it.

And vice versa, by the way. If you're a New Who lover who thinks the Classic Who was lame for whatever reason, either find a constructive way to express that opinion, or stay out of Classic Who discussions. You are neither wanted nor needed there.

I guess common courtesy is about as "common" as common sense, eh?